
Please note that you must have the free Adobe Acrobat reader to download these forms. If you do not have it, you can download it here. If that link does not work, please go to the Adobe website and look for the icon for the FREE reader.

SOME of these forms may be returned by email, but only if ALL of these requirements are followed:

  1. Form must be attached as a .pdf file. Any other file types will be deleted without opening.
  2. There must be writing in the body of the email that describes what you are sending.
    • Emails that have attachments and no text in the body of the email are frequently caught in our spam filters and we never see them.
    • “Here is the form” is not acceptable. It could too easily be a phishing/virus scam. Please be specific. Something like “Here is my rental agreement” is perfect.
    • We are extra cautious about computer viruses, so any questionable emails will be deleted without opening. If you do not receive a reply to your email within two business days, please assume that we have not received it.
  3. For your own protection, please do not send forms with sensitive personal information by email. Here are some examples of how to avoid that:
    • If you are sending a rental agreement, and you have done so before, write “on file” for Social Security number.
    • If this is your first time sending a rental agreement, fill in your SSN *without* the last four digits, and call Brian with the remainder of the number. (If he is not available, you may leave your full name, your email address, the type of form, and the remaining digits on his voicemail.)
    • We do not accept credit card forms for maintenance fee payments by email. Ever. Under any circumstances. Please don’t even ask. This is for your protection and our sanity. With 4,692 unit/week owners having maintenance fees due on the same day and one person in the bookkeeping office, it is not feasible to have people send credit card forms with partial numbers by email. If you need to fill out the form, please return it by mail or fax (info on form). If you prefer to pay online, please go to our /pay pages. Thank you for your understanding!
    • If you are sending a form (other than maintenance fees) by email that requires a credit card number (Guest Authorization, Return Lost Item Form, etc.), please fill in your credit card number *without* the last four digits, and call Brian with the remainder of the number. (If he is not available, you may leave your full name, your email address, the type of form, and the remaining digits on his voicemail.)


Credit Card Form for maintenance fees.
(To pay online, click here.)


Owner to Owner Resales


Rental Agreement


Guest Authorization Form
Canada House Owner *


Return Lost Item Form


Timeshare Calendar for Saturday check-in (2023-2027)
